Welcome to the first worldwide census on Community-supported Agriculture!
Download the print version of the survey
To all CSAs wherever you are across the globe...
Farmers, members and researchers from 40 different countries have joined forces to launch the first worldwide survey on Community Supported Agriculture. The aim of the survey is to collect and analyse data which can then be used to support CSA stakeholders by:
- Producing global metrics on CSA practices and trends
- Mapping the diversity of CSA practices across the globe
- Identifying the common characteristics of CSA
This survey is being sent to as many CSAs as possible across the globe through local, regional, national, and international networks.
The CSA movement is increasingly recognised as a model that can help create more resilient food systems and promote agroecological practices. To support the global CSA movement, we need to understand the strengths, weaknesses, and needs of CSA in different places.
These data will help us make the case that CSA is critical to developing sustainable and resilient food systems. Data will also help CSAs learn from and inspire each other. Our goal at URGENCI is to continue to grow and to give a coherent, well-informed picture of CSA to other actors and institutions. Your experience and perspective is valued and vital to this effort. Please take 15 to 20 minutes to fill in this questionnaire on your CSA.
Please note: We recognize that there are a wide variety of CSA models across the globe. In the UK and North America, for example, most CSAs are single farm. They may buy-in produce occasionally from other farms, but most of the produce shared with members is produced on one farm. However, in other countries, like France, the most common model is where several complementary farms produce food for a single CSA group (what we call "multi-farm CSA").
Important Notice:
All answers and personal information will be kept confidential in the research outputs. Towards the end of the survey, you will be given the possibility to share your contact details. You can choose not to share them. In case you do choose to give us your contact details, you then agree that they might be used by URGENCI's CSA Research Group for further research purposes only. These data will be stored on password-secured computers. Your personal information will not in any case be made public nor used for any other purpose.
There are 43 questions in this survey.